

Doctor of Philosophy – College of Education

Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA
Graduated, Instructional Design & Technology

Master of Science in Education

Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
Graduated, Instructional Systems Technology

Master of Business Administration

University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL
Graduated, Strategic Management & Marketing

Bachelor of Business Administration

University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI
Graduated, Finance, Risk Management, and Insurance

Academic & Professional Honors

  • 2016 Outstanding Practice Award, Association for Educational Communication and Technology
  • 2014 Darden College of Education Alumni Fellow at Old Dominion University
  • Dissertation Fellowship – 2010 to 2011, Old Dominion University – Darden College of Education
  • Mandell Award – 2010 Outstanding Student in Instructional Design & Technology, Old Dominion University – Darden College of Education
  • Beta Gamma Sigma – Academic Honor Society in Business
  • Phi Kappa Phi – Academic Honor Society
  • Pi Lambda Theta – Academic Honor Society in Education

Scholarly Papers and Presentations

Vanek, J., Maddrell, J., Goumas, J., and Riggs., R. (2023). Service learning: Using a “maker space” to build teachers’ digital skills and expand access to digital resources. COABE Journal: Resource for Adult Education. Vol. 12. Issue 2.

Maddrell, J.A. (2022, October). Technology Integration as Design Problem Solving. Roundtable discussion at the Association for Educational Communication and Technology 2022 convention, Online

Baaki, J., & Maddrell, J. (2020). Building Empathy and Developing Instructional Design Experience and SkillsThe Journal of Applied Instructional Design9(3).

Maddrell, J.A., Baaki, J., Tracey, M. W., Abdi, B., Aldemir, T., & Budhrani, K.(2019, October). Design Teams in Action. Presentation at the Association for Educational Communication and Technology 2019 convention, Las Vegas, NV.

Maddrell, J.A., Kimmons, R., Englund, J., Ressig, J., Moore, J., & North, C. (2019, October). Evaluating Open Educational Resources: Results of a Collaborative Evaluation of Crowd-Sourced Lesson Plans Presentation at the Association for Educational Communication and Technology 2019 convention, Las Vegas, NV.

Maddrell, J.A., et al. (2019, October). Inspired Professional Learning – A Service-Learning Project to Evaluate and Re-Design OERPresentation at the Association for Educational Communication and Technology 2019 convention, Las Vegas, NV.

Maddrell, J.A., Earnshaw, Y., Lomellini,  A., McDonald, J. & Michela, E. (2019, October). Accessibility Design Slam. Presentation at the Association for Educational Communication and Technology 2019 convention, Las Vegas, NV.

Maddrell, J.A., Lomellini,  A., & Michela, E. (2019, October). Designing for Accessibility. Presentation at the Association for Educational Communication and Technology 2019 convention, Las Vegas, NV.

Maddrell, J.A., Dousay, T., Rosenberg, J., & Wolf, M. (2019, October). Design in the Open – Professional Learning Strategies to Build your Professional Presence. Presentation at the Association for Educational Communication and Technology 2019 convention, Las Vegas, NV.

Goumas, J. & Maddrell, J. A. (2019, April). Digital Literacy. Presentation at 2019 COABE Conference, New Orleans, LA.

Maddrell, J. A. & Goumas, J. (2019, April). Learning for All. Presentation at 2019 COABE Conference, New Orleans, LA.

Weaver, G., Maddrell, J.A., Vanek, J. & Reder, S. (2019, April). At the Digital Crossroads. Presentation at 2019 COABE Conference, New Orleans, LA.

Maddrell, J. A. & Goumas, J. (2019, March). Learning for All. Presentation at 2019 IACEA Conference, Springfield, IL.

Maddrell, J. A. & Goumas, J. (2019, January). Integrating Technology into Instruction—Realistic Strategies for the Adult Education Classroom. Invited presentation at Morton College Adult Education In-Service, Chicago, IL.

Maddrell, J.A., Romero-Hall, E., Janki, S. & Tiwari S. (2018, November). Rethinking Academic Goals – Doing Good for Our Communities while Meeting Academic Expectations. Presentation at Association for Educational Communication and Technology 2018 convention, Kansas City, MO.

Maddrell, J.A. & Baaki, J. (2018, November). Theoretical Constructs to Inform the Design of Learning Experiences for Adults with Low Literacy Skills. Roundtable discussion at the Association for Educational Communication and Technology 2018 convention, Kansas City, MO.

Maddrell, J. A. & Goumas, J. (2018, October). Calling Open Ed Collaborators and Funders! Adult Basic Education Needs You. Presentation at 15th Annual Open Education Conference, Niagra Falls, NY.

Maddrell, J. A. & Goumas, J. (2018, October). Recontextualizing OER for Adult Basic Education | The Opportunities and Challenges. Presentation at 15th Annual Open Education Conference, Niagra Falls, NY.

Goumas, J. & Maddrell, J. A. (2018, September). Strategies for Teaching & Applying Digital Literacy Skills. Presentation at Illinois Forum for Excellence, Bloomington, IL.

Goumas, J. & Maddrell, J. A. (2018, September). Integrating Technology into Instruction | Realistic Strategies for the Adult Education Classroom. George Adult Education Fall Conference, Atlanta, GA.

Goumas, J. & Maddrell, J. A. (2018, June). Strategies for Using Technology to Support Learning. Presentation at Chinese Mutual Aid Association Professional Development Conference, Chicago, IL.

Maddrell, J.A., Morrison, G., & Watson, G. (2018, April). Presence and Learning in a Community of Inquiry. Presentation in symposium event: Social Presence in Online Learning: Extending the Research Conversation on Definitions, Learning, Conflict, Identity, and Othering. Presentation at American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, New York, NY

Stefaniak, J., Maddrell, J., Earnshaw, Y., & Hale, P. (2018). The Evolution of Designing E-Service-Learning Projects: A Look at the Development of Instructional Designers. International Journal of Designs for Learning, 9(1), 122-134.

Baaki, J., Maddrell, J.A., & Stauffer, E. (2017). Designing Authentic and Engaging Personas for Open Education Resources Designers. International Journal of Designs for Learning, 8(2).

Maddrell, J.A. (2017, November). Leading Learning for Change: Service and Personal Impact. Presentation at Association for Educational Communication and Technology 2017 convention, Jacksonville, FL.

John Baaki, Camille Dickson-Deane, Jennifer Maddrell, Keya Mukherjee, Jen Vanek, and Alice Barlow-Zambodla. (2017, November). Recontextualizing OER. Presentation at Association for Educational Communication and Technology 2017 convention, Jacksonville, FL.

Baaki, J. & Maddrell, J.A. (2017, November). Designers Using Authentic Personas to Develop Open Education Resources. Presentation at Association for Educational Communication and Technology 2017 convention, Jacksonville, FL.

Maddrell, J.A. & Baaki, J. (2017, November). Promoting Designer Agency through Reflexive Practice. Presentation at Association for Educational Communication and Technology 2017 convention, Jacksonville, FL.

Maddrell, J., Morrison, G., & Watson, G. (2017). Presence and learning in a community of inquiry. Distance Education.

Baaki, J., Boland, M., Dingwall, J.R., Duffy, A., Lee, J., Maddrell, J.A., & Melander, H. (2016, November). Participant Experiences in a Service-MOOC to Design OER for Adult Basic Education. Presentation at 13th Annual Open Education Conference, Richmond, VA.

Maddrell, J. A. & Duffy, A. (2016, November). Open Education to Support Adult Basic Education: An Exploration of Opportunities and Constraints. Presentation at 13th Annual Open Education Conference, Richmond, VA.

Maddrell, J.A. (2016, October). Service Learning MOOC Facilitating Strategies. Presentation at Association for Educational Communication and Technology 2016 convention, Las Vegas, NV.

Baaki, J., Dickson-Deane, C.,  Maddrell, J.A., Mukherjee, K., & Stauffer, E. (2016, October). Design & Development – Awardee Presentation. Presentation at Association for Educational Communication and Technology 2016 convention, Las Vegas, NV.

Resig, J.,  Watson, G. S., & Maddrell, J.A. (2016, October). Badging for Good – Perceptions of Earning a Digital Badge in a Service MOOC. Presentation at Association for Educational Communication and Technology 2016 convention, Las Vegas, NV.

Maddrell, J. A. & Duffy, A. (2016, April). Be a Part of the Change: Design OER in a New MOOC. Presentation at the Commission on Adult Basic Education 2016 Convention, Dallas, TX.

Earnshaw, Y.,  Engerman, J. A., Gentry, W., Hale, P., & Maddrell, J.A. (2015, November). Design of Online Learning Modules for a Non-Profit Organization: A Collaborative Service-Learning Initiative. Design showcase at Association for Educational Communication and Technology 2015 convention, Indianapolis, IN.

Earnshaw, Y.,  Engerman, J. A., Gentry, W., Hale, P., & Maddrell, J.A. (2015, November). Collaboration in a Multi-Institutional E-Service Learning Project: Reflections and Future Directions. Panel session at Association for Educational Communication and Technology 2015 convention, Indianapolis, IN.

Stefaniak, J. & Maddrell, J. A. (2015, November). The Design of a Cognitive Apprenticeship to Facilitate Virtual Service-Learning Experiences. Presentation at Association for Educational Communication and Technology 2015 convention, Indianapolis, IN.

Maddrell, J. (2015). Fostering Student Work-based Experiences through Service-Learning. In J. Stefaniak (Ed.), Cases on Human Performance Improvement Technologies (pp. 182-210). Hershey, PA: Business Science Reference. doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-8330-3.ch008. Retrieved from

Maddrell, J. A. (2015). Designing Authentic Educational Experiences Through Virtual Service Learning. In B. Hokanson, G. Clinton, & M. W. Tracey (Eds.), The Design of Learning Experience (pp. 215–229). Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-16504-2_15. Retrieved from

Maddrell, J. A., Blake, G., Boling, E., Dorsey-Neugebauer, R., Engerman, J. A., Tracey, M., Savenye, W., & Stefaniak, J. (2014, November). Examining a Multi-Institutional Virtual Service-Learning Collaboration. Presentation at Association for Educational Communication and Technology 2014 Convention, Jacksonville, FL.

Maddrell, J. A. (2014, December). Service-Learning Design Considerations. Journal of Computing in Higher Education, doi: 10.1007/s12528-014-9085-y

Maddrell, J. A., Dorsey-Neugebauer, R., & West, Q. (2014, November). Utilizing Service-Learning to Facilitate Adult Basic Education OER Adoption. Accepted presentation. Open Education Conference 2014, Arlington, VA.

Maddrell, J. A., Blake, G., Engerman, J. A., Morrison, G., Tracey, M., & Stefaniak, J. (2014, November). Multi-Institution Service-learning Project to Design Open Educational Resources for Adult Basic Education. Design showcase at Association for Educational Communication and Technology 2014 Convention, Jacksonville, FL.

Maddrell, J. A., Blake, G., Boling, E., Dorsey-Neugebauer, R., Engerman, J. A., Tracey, M., Savenye, W., & Stefaniak, J. (2014, November). Examining a Multi-Institutional Virtual Service-Learning Collaboration. Presentation at Association for Educational Communication and Technology 2014 Convention, Jacksonville, FL.

Stefaniak, J. & Maddrell, J. A. (2014, November). Authentic Service-Learning Experiences for the Instructional Designer. Presentation at Association for Educational Communication and Technology 2014 Convention, Jacksonville, FL.

Oyarzun, E., Adcock, A., Anderson, S., Maddrell, J. A., Martin, F. & Pastore, R. &  (2014, November). Multi-Modal Course Delivery: Combining Face-to-Face and Online Students Together. Presentation at Association for Educational Communication and Technology 2014 Convention, Jacksonville, FL.

Maddrell, J. A. (2014, July). Designing Authentic Educational Experiences through Service-Learning. Presentation at Association for Educational Communication and Technology 2014 Research Symposium, Jacksonville, FL.

Maddrell, J.A. (2014, July). Designing E-Service-Learning within Blended Learning Environments. Invited Featured Speaker. Online Learning Consortium Blended Learning Conference. Denver, CO.

Maddrell, J. A. (2014, July). Invited Facilitator. University of Saskatchewan Educational Technology and Design (ETAD) Summer Studio.  St. Peter’s College, Canada.

Maddrell, J. A. (2014, May). Attracting Service-Learners to Support your Organization. Presentation at the 41st Tutor / Mentor Leadership and Networking Conference. Chicago, IL.

Maddrell, J. A. (2014, February). Designing Authentic Online Educational Experiences through Service-Learning. Presentation at 2014 State University of New York (SUNY) Online Learning Summit. New York, NY. [Presentation materials]

Maddrell, J. A. & Morrison, G. R. (2014). Designing for awareness: Purposeful interactions in the next generation of distance education. In R. Luckin, S. Puntambekar, P. Goodyear, B. L. Grabowski,  J. Underwood, & N. Winters (Eds.) Handbook of design in educational technology. New York: Routledge: Taylor & Frances Group.

Maddrell, J. A., Morrison, G. R., & Watson G. S. (2013). Virtual World Problem-centered Challenge Evaluation. Journal of Applied Instructional Design.

Maddrell, J. A. (2013). Service-Learning in Online and Blended Environments. Presentation. Sloan C Blended Learning Unconference, Milwaukee, WI.

Maddrell, J. A., Morrison, G. R., & Watson G. S. (2012). Evaluation of a problem-based challenge within a virtual world. Presentation. Association for Educational Communication and Technology Convention, Lexington, KY.

Morrison, G. R., Watson G. S., Robison, D., Morrison, J., Maddrell, J. A., Desmaris, R. Shirey, F., Peck, L. (2012). Equivalency theory in distance education in the age of globalization. Presentation. Association for Educational Communication and Technology Convention, Lexington, KY

Anglin, G. J., Morrison, G. R., & Maddrell, J. A. (2012). Distance education: practice before research or research before practice? In Y. Visser, M. Simonson, R. Amirault, & L. Visser (Eds.), Trends and issues in distance education: International perspectives (2nd ed.). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing.

Maddrell, J. A., & Watson G. S. (2012). The influence of backchannel communication on cognitive load. In L. Moller & J. Huett (Eds.), The Next Generation of Distance Education: Unconstrained Learning. New York, NY: Springer. New York, NY: Springer.

Maddrell, J. A. (2011). Community of inquiry framework and learning outcomes (Doctoral dissertation). Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA.

Maddrell, J. A., Morrison, G. R., & Watson G. S. (2011, October). Community of inquiry framework and learner achievement. Featured research presentation. Association for Educational Communication and Technology Convention, Jacksonville, FL. [Presentation File].

Anglin, G. J., Morrison, G. R., & Maddrell, J. A. (2011, October). Distance education theory, research, and practice: Is there a relationship?. Presentation. Association for Educational Communication and Technology Convention, Jacksonville, FL.

Maddrell, J. A. (2010). Participant experiences in an informal sub-network. In World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2010 (pp. 2018-2023). Orlando, FL: AACE. [Presentation File]

Maddrell, J. A. & Watson G. S. (2010, October). The Influence of backchannel communication on cognitive load. Presentation at Association for Educational Communication and Technology 2010 Research Symposium, Bloomington, IN. [Presentation file]

Maddrell, J. A. (2010). Test item file for Integrating computer technology into the classroom: skills for the 21st century (4th ed.) by G. R. Morrison & D. L. Lowther. Boston: Pearson.

Maddrell, J. A., & Morrison, G. R. (2009, October). Designing instruction for concept learning. Presentation at Association for Educational Communication and Technology Convention, Lexington, KY.

Maddrell, J. A. (2009, October). Examining the role of network ties in supporting knowledge management. Presentation at Association for Educational Communication and Technology Convention, Lexington, KY.

Anglin, G. J., Morrison, G. R. & Maddrell, J. A. (2008, October). Analysis of articles published in Educational Technology Research in ETR&D. Presentation at Association for Educational Communication and Technology Convention, Orlando, FL.

Maddrell, J. A., & Lebow, J. (2008). Networking with live interactive media. Presentation at 2008 State University of New York (SUNY) Online Learning Summit, Syracuse, NY.

Ottenbreit-Leftwich, A., & Maddrell, J. A. (2007). Educating educators using open educational resources. Presentation at 2007 Open Education Conference at Utah State University, Logan, UT.

Maddrell, J. A. (2007). Using the Drupal content management system to support personal and collaborative online environments. Presentation at 2007 Indiana University Instructional Systems Technology Conference, Bloomington, IN.

Journal Activity, Professional Affiliations, and Service

  • Assistant/Associate Editor for the Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 2008 – 2014 & 2020-2022
  • Member of American Educational Research Association (AERA)
  • Member of Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT)
  • Volunteer Study Group Liaison for Chicago Foundation for Education (CFE), 2012 – 2015
  • Board of Advisors – Association of Professional Insurance Women (APIW), 2004
  • Co-host of live interactive webcast broadcasts on, including EdTechWeekly (2006 – 2014) and Designers for Learning (2013 – 2019)

Instructional Design and Teaching Experience

June 2007 to Present

  • Appointed as Instructor of Education at the University of Virginia School of Education and Human Development within the Instructional Technology program to teach graduate-level classes, June 2018 to Present
  • Provide contracted learning experience design, facilitation, and research services as part of a multi-year adult education professional development initiative, May 2022 to Present
  • Appointed as Instructor at the University of New Mexico within the Organization, Information & Learning Sciences program, Fall 2023
  • Supported a cohort of adult educators and their programs on how to effectively incorporate learning technology into the classroom as a subject-matter expert, 2019 to 2024
  • Founded Designers for Learning, a nonprofit organization that promotes service-learning opportunities through collaboration with schools, students, and volunteers. Since its incorporation as a nonprofit in 2014, Designers for Learning service-learning projects involved over 4,000 volunteers, including college students, their faculty sponsors, and other subject-matter experts. Mentored volunteers and other service learners who designed and developed a range of open educational resources (OER) to support adult learners seeking to improve their basic literacy and math skills for career and college readiness. These OER are made available for free to adult educators and learners in the Adult Learning Zone group on OER Commons and Canvas Commons. January 2014 – 2020
  • Appointed as Adjunct Assistant Professor at Old Dominion University to design and teach Management and Integration of Technology Resources, Principles and Practices of Human Performance Technology, Cognition and Instructional Design, Instructional Strategies for Innovation, and Consulting Skills for Instructional Designers within the Instructional Design & Technology program, 2012 to 2014
  • Designed training seminar on learning technologies and methods to support online learning, 2012
  • Designed and developed a 15-unit graduate-level online course on Curriculum Design and Instruction Methods, 2012
  • Performed a two-year instructional evaluation of the RealWorld-InWorld NASA Engineering Design Challenge, 2010 – 2012
  • Graduate Research Assistantship within the Old Dominion University’s Instructional Design and Technology program, 2008 and 2009
  • Appointment as Continuing Education Teacher with Baruch College to design and facilitate courses within the Corporate Training and Instructional Design program in the Division of Continuing and Professional Studies. Appointed to teach Planning and Creating Blended and Online Courses, Effective Facilitation, and Teaching and Learning with Technology, 2007 and 2008
  • Other projects include the design of an online learning environment, development of a community website, and management of an insurance association’s online web portal.

Other Professional Experience

Swiss Reinsurance America Corporation – New York            

March 2002 to June 2005

Associate Product Line Manager and Senior Underwriter                                               

  • Managed planning and project activities as a home office Associate Product Line Manager in the facultative reinsurance underwriting division with over $220 million in premium.
  • Counseled staff in the review and authorization of complex reinsurance programs.
  • Coordinated and facilitated division’s staff training and development initiatives.
  • Developed successful client relationships with senior level business partners.
  • Performed internal audits evaluating adherence to corporate underwriting guidelines.

Chubb – Chicago / New York                                          

June 1998 to March 2002

Regional Underwriting Manager – Risk Management Group

  • Managed the production of risk management insurance contracts in 14 branch offices by developing and directing the group’s marketing strategies, underwriting protocols and client service guidelines.
  • Hired, trained, and directed a staff of casualty underwriting specialists in the Chicago underwriting center with over 50 risk management accounts.
  • Fostered successful partnerships with risk managers and brokers resulting in the underwriting group exceeding 1999, 2000 and 2001 new business goals while achieving 95 percent renewal retention.

Kemper Insurance Companies – New York / Chicago

January 1990 – June 1998

Managing Consultant, Home Office Project Manager, Underwriter

  • Managed and trained underwriters, assistants, and clerical staff in a risk management casualty underwriting unit with over sixty-five Fortune 1,000 accounts generating annual revenue of $300 million.
  • Supervised a team of underwriters and assistants dedicated to an association program of over 150 individual commercial clients with $15 million in annual program premium.
  • Underwrote, negotiated, and managed the delivery of casualty insurance programs that produced an average total annual premium and service revenue of $30 million.
  • Developed and implemented underwriting process initiatives, served on corporate policy committees and coordinated corporate underwriting operations with insurance bureaus.